A selection of the 150+ species of plant species at Tirfounder Fields, Cwmbach.

Mid Cynon Floodplain Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC no.33).

Photos by James M Burton (Spooksprings) Copyright 2012.

Photos Taken at Tir Founder Fields, Cwmbach 2012.

Identifications are 100% positive for 95% of the species, using the BSBI plant database. Where unsure, I have made comments in the description.

eveningprimrosesmallflowered_small.jpg fernhartstongue_small.jpg fernspecies_small.jpg figwort_small.jpg
figwortwater_small.jpg flaxpale_small.jpg forgetmenotcreeping_small.jpg forgetmenotwater_small.jpg
garlicmustard_small.jpg goatsbeard_small.jpg goatsruelilac_small.jpg goatsruewhite_small.jpg
goldenrodearly_small.jpg gorse_small.jpg groundelder_small.jpg gypsywort_small.jpg
hawksbeardbeaked_small.jpg hawksbeardsmooth_small.jpg hawkweedcommon_small.jpg hawkweedorange_small.jpg

Photo album created with Web Album Generator