Horn Of Plenty



The mycelium is diakaryotic, which is that: two nucleii, found in the basidium, (which is a specialised hyphae of the fungus fruiting body produced by the mycelium) fuse to give a zygote (division of gametes). The basidiospores produced under meiosis (cell division) then migrate to each sterigma on the basidum, are 'positive' and 'negative'. A gas filled 'canister' appears behind the spore on ripeness and then shot off and fall under gravity when ripe. For successful dispersal, gills must hang vertically, this is achieved by negatively geotropic growth of the stipe and gills themselves, and are sensitive to gravity, and will make small adjustments in their growth until completely vertical. Spore production is over 25 to 40 million hourly. Spore dispersal is by wind, and will be carried long distances.

Collated by James M. Burton as part of H.N.D. course at Pencoed
Agricultural College. Taxanomical information correct as of 06:06:97.