Torilis nodosa (L)Gaertner        Knotted Hedge-parsley


Torilis : see T. arvensis.

nodosa : referring to swollen nodes: nodus:knot

BSBI Picture Link to Torilis nodosa


TYPE : procumbent/ erect annual.Th. STEM: solid, striate, with sparse,
closely appressed deflexed bristles.
HEIGHT : 50cm
UMBELS : 0.5-1cm, Compound, leaf oppossed, subsessile. 2-3 short stout rays, hidden
by flowers. Peduncle 1cm, often absent, rather sparse appressed deflexed bristles.
LEAVES : 1-2 pinnate. Segments 3cm, ovate, pinnatifid, lobes linear-lanceolate, appressed
forward-pointing bristles both surfaces. Petiole of lower leaves slender, short sheathing base &
forward pointing appressed bristles. Upper leaves sub-sessile/with short sheathing petiole.
Cotyledons tapered at base, no petiole.
BRACTS : bracteoles linear, > than subsessile flowers, patent or forward pointing bristles.
FLOWERS : pinkish white. Hermaphrodite. Sepals acute, small, petals hispid beneath,
subequal. Styles form a stylopodium. Fl.5-7.
FRUIT : 2.5-3.5 mm. Ovoid, subterete. Commisure narrow. Mericarp : slender ciliate ridges,
outer with long glochidiate spines & inner densely tuberculate between the ridges. Carpophore
present. Vittae solitary. Pedicels with ring of hairs at apex. Styles 1/2 > as stylopodium, erect
or divergent. Stigma capitate. 2n=22,24.

HABITAT : dry, rather bare banks, arable fields, behind sunny sea walls.

DISTRIBUTION : native. Local, Great Britain. absent N. Scot.
S.Ireland. S. & W. Europe. S.W. Asia, N.Africa.
BSBI Distribution Map for Torilis nodosa (UK)

RELATED SPECIES : T. leptophylla (L) Reichenb. fil. Like T.nodosa, but has longer,
easily visi­ble rays. Casual in Britain. Native to S. Europe.


These links to trusted websites and institutions may provide in depth or additional information regards cultivation, chemistry, edibility, images etc. for the species. Links last updated Aug 2012.

Wikipedia (UK)    Bio Info (UK)     Bio Images (UK)
Floral Images (UK)

'Online Guide To Umbelliferae Of The British Isles' Compiled By J.M.Burton 2002
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