
"The air hath starved the roses in her cheeks." T.G. Of Ver. iv. 4. 159.
"Make our peels of roses, and a 1000 fragrant posies." Mer. Wives, iii, 1, 19.
"I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in his grace." Much Ado. i, 3, 29.
"At Christmas I no more desire a rose, than wish snow in Mays new fangled mirth." L.L.Lost. i, 1, 105.
"So sweet a kissr the golden sun gives not to those fresh morning drops upon the rose." L.L.Lost. iv, 3, 27.
"Blow like sweet roses in this summer air." L.L.Lost. v. 2. 293.
"Fair ladies mask'd are roses in their bud. Dismask'd their Damask sweet commixture shown, are angels vailing clouds or roses blown." L.L.Lost. v, 2, 295.
"But earthlier happy is the rose distill'd." M.N.Dream, i, 1, 76.
"Why is your cheek so pale? How chance the roses there do fade so fast." M. N. Dream, i, 1, 76.
"Hoary headed frost fall in the fresh lap of the crimson rose." M.N.Dream, ii, 1, 108.
"He that sweetest rose will find, must find love's prick." A.Y.L.I, iii, 2, 2, 117.
"She looks as clear as morning roses newly washed with dew." T. Of Shrew, ii, 1, 174.
"This thorn, doth to our rose of youth rightly belong." Alls Well, i, 3. 196.
"When you have our roses, you barely leave our thorns to prick ourselves." Alls Well, iv, 2. 18.
"For women are as roses, whose fair flower being once displayed doth fall that very hour." T. Night, ii, 4, 39.
"By the roses of the spring, by maidhood. honour, truth and everything." T.Night, iii, 1, 161.
"My face so thin that in mine ear I durst not stick a rose." K.John, i, 1, 142.
"Of natures gifts thou mayest with Li Hies boast, and with half-blown rose." K.John, iii, 1, 54.
"To put down Richard, that sweet lovely rose." 1, Hen. IV. i, 3, 175.
"And your colour I warrant you is as red as a rose." 2, Hen. IV. ii, 4, 28.
"I pluck this white rose with Plantaganet, I pluck this red rose with young Somerset." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 4, 36.
"He upon whose side the fewest roses are cropped from the tree shall yield the other in the right opinion." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 41.
"Giving my verdict on the white rose side, prick not your finger as you pluck it off, lest bleeding you do paint the white rose red." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 4, 48.
"Was wrong in you ; In sign whereof I pluck a white rose red." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 58.
"Meditating that shall dye your white rose in a bloody red." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 61.
"Your cheeks do counterfit our roses ; for pale they look with fear." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4. 62.
"Thy cheeks blush for pure shame to counterfit our roses." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 66.
"Hath not thy rose a canker, Somerset? - Hah! not thy rose a thorn, Plantaganet? -Ay sharp & Piercing." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 68.
"Well I'll find friends to wear my bleeding roses." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 72.
"This apple and angry rose, As cognizance of my blood drinking hate." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 107.
"I upon thy party wear this rose and here I prophesy." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 4, 123.
"This brawl to-day...shal1 send between the red rose and the white, a thousand souls to death." Hen. VI. ii, 4, 126.
"Upbraided me about the rose I wear." 1. Hen. VI. 1, 91.
"I see no reason, if I wear this rose, that any one should therefore be suspicious I more inclined to Somerset than York." 1. Hen. VI. iv, 1, 152.
"Then will I raise aloft the milk white rose, with whose sweet smell the air shall be perfumed" 2. Hen. VI. i.. 1, 254.
"He rose against him, being his soverign." 3. Hen. VI. i, 1, 141.
"I cannot rest until the white rose I wear be dyed even in the luke warm blood of Henrys heart." 3, Hen. VI. i, 2, 33.
"The red rose and the white are on his face, the fatal colours." 3, Hen. VI. ii, 5, 97.
"Wither one rose and let the other flourish." 3, Hen. VI. ii, 5, 101.
"Their lips were four red roses on a stalk." Richard III. iv, 3, 12.
"We will unite the red rose and the white." , Richard III . v, 5, 19.
"At the rose within, the parish St. Lawrence Poultney." Hen. VIII. I, 2, 152.
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Rom. & Jul . ii , 2, 43.
"The roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade to paly ashes." Rom. & Jul . iv, 1, 99.
"Remnants of packthread and old cakes of roses." Rom. & Jul . v, 1 , 47.
"With two provincal roses on my red shoes." Hamlet, iii, 2, 288.
"When I have plucked the rose I cannot give it vital growth again." Othello, v, 2, 13.
"Against the blown rose may they stop their nose Ant. & Cleo. iii , 13, 39.
"For flesh and blood, sir, white & red, you shall see a rose, and she were a rose indeed." Pericles, iv, 6, 38.
"Let one attend him with a silver basin full of rose water." T. Of Shrew. Ind, 1, 56.


"Gloves as sweet as Damask roses" W. Tale, iv, 4, 222.
"Just the difference betwixt the mustard red and mingled damask." A. Y. L. It, iii, 5, 123.
"Let concealment like a worm i ' the bud, feed on her Damask cheek." T. Night, ii, 4, 115.
"Gloves as sweet as Damask roses, masks for faces and for noses." W. Tale, iv, 4. 222.
"The war of white and Damask in their nicely gawded cheeks." Coriolanus. ii, 1, 232.

*** MUSK ROSES ***

"With sweet musk roses and with eglantine." M.N. Dream, ii, 1. 252.
"Some to kill cankers in the musk rose buds, some war with tere-mice." M.N.Dream, ii. 2, 3.
"And stick musk roses in thy am. iv, 1, 3