Glossary Of Medical Terms

If you are unable to locate a word please consult Blacks Medical or a good Nursing Dictionary.

- A -

acanthoses       : A thickening of the skin
acetone            : Acid produced by bacterial fermentation.
acid                 : A substance that donates protons of H ions.
adrenal             : Two small organs located in kidneys, producing adrenaline,
                         a stimulant of nervous system and blood pressure
alkalis              : Neutralises acid. Usually Oxides and Carbonates of metals
ammonia          : Pungent gas, given off my Carbonate of ammonia, urine,
                         Powerful stimulant internally. A weak pain reliever for the skin.
anti-mitotic       : Halting the reproductive divisions of cells
anti-bodies        : Substance in blood which destroys antigens.
antibiotics         : Antibacterial agent, e.g. penicillin
antigen             : Substance that causes recruitment of antibodies (see antibiotics) A protein foreign to the body.

antihistamines   : Drugs which antagonise the action of histamine.
                         (Constrictor of bronchi) Used to treat rashes. Drowsiness side affect.
antipuritic         : A substance used to reduce inflammation
anaphylactic     : A condition of excessive sensitiveness, caused by injection of foreign   
                         material into body. E.g. Nettle rash causing eruption, inflammation, pain.
aqueous           : Water based, watery.
areolae             : Red ring around inflammation.
ascorbic           : Vitamin found in fruit
asthma             : A disorder of breathing causing constriction of airways
atrophy            : A state of wasting, due to interference of healthy nutrition, by interruption of blood supply.

- B -

benefactors       : Persons who gain the greatest from a treatment
blisters              : Chronic inflammation, causing congestion of foreign materials below the skin.
bullae                : Another name for blister

- C -

chloride             : Of chlorine a greenish gas with pungent smell.. Highly poisonous to all bacteria.
cholesterol         : Waxy material derived from organic tissues.
                           Essential for production of sex hormones and repair of membranes
chrome             : Substance containing the element Chromium, found in pigments
collagen            : Abundant protein, exists as fibres in tendons, heart.
complacency     : Not worrying, showing disapproval
conservative      : (Medical) Treatment involving minimum of interference by practitioner.
constituents       : One of the elements something is made from
copulation         : Sexual intercourse between humans.
corticosteroids   : Hormones, used to reduce allergens in body, suppresses adrenaline production.
cutaenous          : Belonging to the skin
cystic                : Closed cavity, lined by abnormal tissues and liquids

- D -

degradation         : Change in structure of a tissue, where vitality is lowered.
depigmentation    : Reduction in the colouring of the skin
derivatives          : Something developed from soething else
detriment            : Harmfull
diagnosis            : Distinguishing one disease from another essentially for correct treatment

- E -

eccrine                : Secretion of the sweat gland
electromagnetic    : electricity caused by magnetic current
elicitation             : A response or a reaction
erythremous         : Condition where skin becomes congested with blood, causing redness and eruption.
ethyl  chloride       : A volatile liquid, Freezes area applied to. Reduces pain.
exacerbate            : Make it worse
excoriation           : Destruction of small pieces of the surface of skin
exclusion             : Prevention, leave out
extrinsic              : Originating outside the body. 
exudation             : Process where constituents of blood pass slowly through walls of  small vessels in the
                            course of inflammation, and the accumulation  resulting from this process.

- F -

fissuring             : Clefts of normal anatomical structure
follicles               : A very small sac or gland, depression
folliculitis            : Inflamation of the follicules

- G -

gangrene             : Death of part of body.
genetics              : Study of the origin of characteristics of an individual
glochids              : Small spines

- H -

hives                  : Scottish for urtricaria
hydrophobic        : Repulsion of water.
hyperkeratosis     : Excessive thickening of epidermis 
hypnotise            : A condition of altered attention. Increased  when suggestibility ypnotised.
                           Children more easily hypnotised
hyposensitisation : To repeat and increase doses of allergen to induce immunity to that allergen
hypertension       : High blood pressure.

- I -

idiosyncrasy         :  Unusual habits
immunisation        :  The introduction of antigens into a body to produce immunity
impediment           :  Making movement difficult
impermeable          : Will not allow fluid to pass through
implement             : To carry out a plan
immunological       : The study of immunity and response to antigens.
incentive               : Encourage to do something
inherent                :  Characteristics passed on by genes
inhibiting              :  To slow down

- L -

lactic                  : Colourless acid, produced by bacteria on lactose. Present in muscles.
laryngeal             : Pertaining to larynx in throat
lesions                : An injury or disease
leukaemia            : Disease of blood causing changes to bone marrow, by enlarging 
                            lymph glands.  Common in older people.
lichenification      : Chronic skin disease characterised by thickening
                            of skin and formation of papules, Causes severe itching.
lymphocytes        :White blood corpsule produced by lymph glands. They produce antibodies.

- M -

macerated           : Softening of solid by soaking in fluid
malignant            : A serious disorder, grow rapidly infiltrating healthy tissues. Leads to death
melanin               : Dark pigment found in skin and hair.
Morbilliform        : Disease of skin resembling measels

- O -

oedema              : Abnormal accumulation of fluid under skin, or cavities.
onycholysis        : Separation of nail from nail-bed
osteolysis           : Affecting the bone?

- P -

pallor                 : Paleness of skin, caused by flow of blood  in normal pigments, caused by shock
papillary             : Resembling a papilla, a nipple like protrusion
papules              : A pimple
phototoxic          :Toxic condition caused by action of light on an antigen.
pigment              : Colouring of secretions and skin.
pollens               : Microspores formed by flowering plants.
populous            : Many in number
poultice              : Moist application to skin, to soothe, soften, increases circulation
precursor           : Something that precedes , produces or develops into another skin.
predicament        : In a difficult situation
predispose          : If something makes you think in a certain way, you may act in that way
proteins              : Nitrogenous substances, essential for cell growth.
pruritus              : Itching
punctum            : To make a hole, to prick, a small orifice
pustulation          : Collection of puss under skin.
puberty      : Passage of child into adulthood.Characterised by increase in hormones, hairs and sexual organs.

- R -

reticular               : Resembling a reticulum: A fine mesh of fibres.
rhinitus                : Inflammation of mucous in the nose.
rudimentary         : An underdeveloped organ.

- S -

saponifying         :
scabies               : A skin disease caused by mites
scaratiniform      : Many breaks, punctures, scratches
spicule               : Thorns
striaee                : Stretched skin
subcutaneous      : Anything pertaining to loose cellular tissue beneath skin
salicylic              : antiseptic acid, used to treat skin infections
synthesis            :  Production of something

- T -

trauma               : Extremelly stressfull experience
trichomes           : Spines on plant

- U -
ulceration           : Breach of skin surface, causing loss of tissue.
utricia                : Disorder of the skin, irritation, swelling caused by Nettle.

- V -

vesicles             : Small collection of fluid in the epidermis
viscid                     :


        Dermatitis In the Horticulture Industry By James M. Burton In Association With Pencoed College Copyright 1997.